Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So this bar, as I said is located in Basingstoke. it's called LLoyds bar, and this is us, after just arriving...you'll notice the light streaming through the window? that's because it's early AFTERNOON, like...in the day? The fella just to the right of Mike (he's the one just to the left of Tommy) is called Tommy, lovely chap he is, I think he can drink more than Mike, although that might be a supercision...circumstition?.. a bit of a guess? The three girls facing that guy taking the photograph look quite happy don't they?

the organ player

The Church

The building was indeed impressive, the pipe organ was huge and I mwas lucky enough to walk in as this chap was rehearsing for that evening

Festival Place

Not that far from the train station is this mall called Festival Place, that should have been some sort of a warning but by this time we'd had a quick one so I just stuffed the thought into my back pocket eh?
We did a bit of shopping (Good prices) and while the gang were sitting having more I walked over to the church just across the road

the Railway Station

This is the station where the train arrives to take us to Bassingstoke, the one on the other side has just go thru the station on the other side doing 130 MPH...it was about this time that I started to feel a little apprehensive


One Friday, Mike said to me, "Allen, tomorrow we're going to this town were we are going to meet two dear friends of ours, a married couple who we've known for years, so try not to embarras us too much alright?" He didn't say "Eh ", 'cause he's not Canadian eh! So just before we left to catch the train to Bassingstoke, I took this picture of the three reprobates standing in the kitchen, they look quite respectable don't they?..wish I'd known then what was in store for us all.

the hedgehog

I had a bit of a wander while we were waiting for "just one more" and saw stuff in there that you wouldn't believe. Antlers, stuffed badgers, otters, river rats, Mike of course, and Steve, and on the way out just above the door was this hedgehog watching all of us leave, a little worse for wear but when you consider that it'd been there since just after WW11, (that's the big one) it wasn't too bad, and I could swear there was still a bit of a glint in it's eye

The Falcon Pub

One luverlee day in spring, Mike and Ann's Daughter Michelle and her husband Steve, came over for a bit of a visit and Steve suggested that we go for a beer at this pub called the Falcon. He suggested that it had "An old world feel to it" So off we went for, "A beer". When we got there it was SO warm that after a beer, we thought we'd have, "just one more"